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Black Future Month
The over-aching theme ofthe annual Black Future Month (BFM) Exhibition is the far-off distant future envisioned by Black people. This quantum leap into the future, takes us notonly 50 or even 100 years ahead, but 1000 years. And so this year our Mothership of artists arrives in 3016. The distant date is meant to provide a platform that enables Black people to break from the historic ties of oppression still prominent today.
Created / Curated by Danilo McCallum
Black Future Month 3016
The 4thAnnual Afrofuturism Art Exhibition
Curated by Danilo McCallum and Quentin VerCetty
Partnerships: OCAD University, Afrofuturist Affairs, Black Kirby, Piece of Mine, BFM Organizing Committee
2016 marks the 4th Annual Afrofuturism exhibition. With this Arrival the focus of the BFM initiative has developed, directing attention towards themes of continuity,growth, and creating infrastructure for the future. The aim is to continue building upon the already existing rich Black visual arts legacy of Toronto.
The over-aching theme of the Annual Black Future Month Exhibition is the far-off distant future envisioned by Black people. This quantum leap into the future, takes us not only 50 or even 100 years ahead, but 1000 years. The distant date is meant to provide a platform that enables Black people to break from the historic ties of oppression still prominent today.
This is the 2nd year OCAD University is hosting the exhibit, and the Black History Month Programat the university has broadened its scope to include other events under the umbrellatitle Black Fractals (which also includes another exhibition curated by Zviko Mhakayakora titled “Pixelation”). In the honour of partnership the BFM exhibition is comprised of OCADU students, displaying side by side withrenowned professional artists. The reach of BFM has grown and in the 3016exhibition it welcomes internationally recognized Afrofuturist practitionersBlack Kirby (Stacey Robinson and John Jennings, Buffalo) and Afrofuturist Affairs (Rasheedah Philips and Mother Moor, Philadelphia).
This exhibition launches us into 2016 with a big bang, and foreshadows several other projects (i.e. The “BlackToronto 2116” exhibition and the “Black Canvas 101” database), which will launch this year.
Special Thanks to the BFM 3016OCADU Organizing Committee:
Quentin VerCetty, ShenieceCater, Danilo McCallum, Camille Lauren, Dr. Camille Isaac, Audrey Hudson, YawTony Asante and Courdell Baker, Fatimah Tuggar, Andrea Fatona, Lillian Allen.
In 2016, BFM worked with staff and students to set up a Black arts project/program at OCADU called BLACK FRACTALS. The intention of the initiative is to work in partnership, pooling resources inside the OCADU community to create a lasting program that can continue for Black creatives.
Our History
BFM 3015
The 3rdAnnual Afrofuturism Art Exhibition
Curated by Danilo McCallum
Sponsored by OCAD University
BFM3015 OCADUOrganizing Committee:
Lillian Allen,Quentin “ Vercetty” Lindsay, Shamina Chherawala, Jade Lee Hoy, Camille Isaac,Andrea Fatona.
The Black Future Month 3015 Exhibition is a platform forartists, designers and multimedia creatives who identify as Black to exploreAfrofuturism and the infinite possibilities of our distant future. In authoringour own visions of the future, we are taking the opportunity to shape our owndestinies.
Starships and time travel, Black holes, black magic,mysticism, past, present and future energies, ancestral memories, astraltraveling, alternate states of consciousness, Black identity and representations,the effects of technology on culture, and messages from the ether are allsubjects reflected on in this exhibition. All brought together through the lensof Afrofuturism.
The over-aching theme of the Black Future Month initiativeis a collective look into our far-off distant future as Black people. 3015. This quantum leap into the future, takesus not only 50 or even 100 years ahead, but 1000 years. The distant date ismeant to provide a platform that enables us to break from the historic ties ofoppression still prominent today. 3015 opens the imagination up to perspectivesas far as the limits of our psyche can allow. It offers an opportunity toimagine healthy utopic Black realities, oppose to merely looking into a futureworld with the advanced technology of hoover-boards and flying cars, whereBlack people are still facing the same kinds of racial, systemic, and mentaloppressions.
The exhibition includes Black artists, designers and multi-mediacreatives across all disciplines. Painting, photography, 3-D rendering, laser printing,graphic design, illustration, Lego sculpture, performance art, dub, spokenword, audio soundscapes, video projection and architecture.
The exhibition takes place at OCAD University on the year ofits 125th anniversary.
Known for being a leader in forward creative thinking andinnovation OCAD U is a spectacular home for this exhibition that captures thevisions of Black creatives imagining the great possibilities of our distantfuture.
BFM 3014
Toronto’s 1st Ever Afrofuturism Group Art Exhibition
A Collective Look at Our DIstant Future
Curated by Danilo McCallum.
Main Partner: Daniel Spectrum / Artscape
(In partnership with site curator Elle Alconcel )
Through painting, photography, digital/graphic arts, architecture, poetry, audio and video works, several artists explore imaginative visions of our far off distant future as Black people.
The Black Future Month 3014 Art Exhibition will also have an artist talk opening up conversations around Afrofuturism, Black sci-fi, the artist’s process and the possibilities of our joined futuristic utopias.
• Danilo McCallum - (Painting)
• SoTeeOh - (Photography)
• Komi Olaf - (Painting)
• Ola Ojo (Architecture)
• Chanel Kennebrew (JunkPrints)
(Mixed Media/Collage/Prints)
• Jordan Clarke - (Painting)
• Javid JAH (Painting)
• XYZ/ Black Iron Giants (Giant Grafix)
• Quentin Vercetty (SpokenWord)
• Chris Ak - (Audio/Video)
• Samson Brown (Futur-Log)
• Hillina Seife - (Diasporic Historian)
The exhibit takes place in the historic month of February at Daniels Spectrum (Regent Park’s newly built cultural arts hub).
BFM 3013
(The beginning)
Black Future Month (3013) :
A Glimpse into our Distant Future
A Solo Exhibition by Danilo McCallum
Partner: Accents on Eglinton (Abu)