Onsite Gallery is pleased to partner with Black Future Month 3016 to present this year’s Call & response Conference, as part of their Onsite/Insight/Incite programming and the Black Fractals Program at OCAD U celebrating the self-repeating spirit of creativity and ingenuity of people of African ancestry
This one of a kind art focused conference was held in honor of African liberation month and Black history and futures.
Consisted of ::
Workshop with Black Quantum Futurism
The Orbit::Panel Discussion with Dr. Camille Isaacs Mosa Neshamá McNeilly and Chiedza Pasipanodya
Vendors Market Place with catering by Chic Peas Veg, and goods provided by
African Drums and Art Crafts, BLACK FUTURE MONTH 3015:: A Collective Look Into Our Distant Future, ANU - The Way of Shea, Outofafricawithlove Signature of a Mango and Love Me Jewels
When Fractals Speak: Art Presentations with Black Kirby and Rasheedah Phillips
Started off with @baro dununba with Amadou Kienou
When Fractals Ignite: Live Performances with Moor Mother Goddess
Randell Adjei Zak'isha Brown
Se'lah Genesis:Say-La
Zakisha Brown
Chop-z Got Em
& Aquillah Rootz
This event was also being sponsored and supported by The OCADU Student Union, The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Art And Social Change Department, Faculty of Art, Faclty of Design, OCAD U Graduate Studies, Office of Diversity, Equity & Sustainability Initiatives, African Drum Arts & Craft Store, R.I.S.E. Edutainment, Deluxo, PRIYOME Co, Bakka Pheonix Bookstore, Silversnail comic book store
York United Black Student Association, African Studies Course Union, York Black Graduate Student Collective
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